Ways to Give

Give Online:

Download the Church Center App ​

Mail a check:

 Great Bend First Church of the Nazarene

4811 Broadway, Great Bend, Ks 67530


Give In Person:

Cash and Check giving may be dropped in the tithing basket during offering on Sunday or you can stop by the church office, Monday-Friday 8:00am - 1:00pm




Each fund is designated to assist different areas of ministry


General Tithe - Used to fund the overall operations of the church, including staff salaries, utilities, building maintenance, outreach programs, general administration costs and more.


Love Offering-Use this designation for special offerings. Please notify the Church Treasurer as to what this offering is specifically to go toward.


Faith Promise Commitment for World Missions



Special Missions - Deputation Offerings go to financially support a specific missionary in their ministry.


Sunday School - Donations to the Sunday School Fund enable the church to engage in discipleship ministries (curriculum, supplies, etc.)


Ignite Teen Group 7th-12th Grade 


Naz Kidz. Pre-K - 6th Grade







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